Keep Your Focus

A few tips to keep your focus when working remotely.

Organize. Stay in control of your workload. The ability to keep things organized, prioritized and focused, can be challenging at times if you allow disorder to settle in. Try not to let things slip through the cracks and be certain to prioritize what needs to be handled and in what order. Work is non-linear and we should be able to adapt quickly while keeping focused on our goals.

Self-imposed deadlines. When planning or designing, I find a deadline motivates me to put something on the screen and get started. Try not to feel pressure with deadlines, use it as motivation, which allows the flow of the job(s) at hand to gain momentum.

Be proactive/Minimize distractions. Rather than being reactive, I like to be proactive in order to map out the tasks at hand. To-do lists are useful, though it is important to prioritize. When a task comes through, do not wait until the due date to start/complete, get going on it as soon as possible. While incoming emails and phone calls can be distractions, remain focused on the job that must be done and see it through to completion.